Specialist Engineer Electrical Power Systems

Arbeidsted: Bergen

Periode: 04.11.2024 -03.11.2025

We are looking for a candidate with master in electrical power systems. 1-3 years project experience is an advantage. The position will join a a small team of 4 specialist team working 100% with electrical power system analysis. The main tools will be Matlab/Simulink and Sincal. Some times Paladin DesignBase (EDSA) will be used.

The position requires good theoretical skills in power system design and engineering.

Typical analysis to be done are:
Power System Philosophy.
AC and DC power system studies like short circuit, selectivity, THD, arc flash.
Dynamic studies like motor start and stability. Battery lifetime calculation. Resonance calculation Fuel Saving , CO2 and NOX reduction, Insulation coordination.

The position is at a maritime and offshore department.

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