Trondheim Engineering AS er et selskap innen personellutleie, ingeniørtjenester og mekanisk fabrikasjon. Vi er stolte av å kunne tilby innovative løsninger og ekspertise innen prosjektledelse og ingeniørvitenskap. Vår visjon er å forandre industrien ved å levere kvalitetsprosjekter som setter standarden for bærekraft, effektivitet og nyskapning.


Trondheim Engineering AS


Confirmed as a speaker. Join Trondheim Engineering at the ASME 18th International Conference on Energy Sustainability in Anaheim, California We are excited to announce that Trondheim Engineering will be stepping onto the international stage at the upcoming ASME 18th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, held in Anaheim, California. Our very own Hailay Kiros Kelele will be representing our team, contributing to Track 10: Alternative Energy Conversion Technology. Hailay will present his insightful research titled "Optimizing Wind Turbine Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness Across Varied Wind Conditions: A Dual Strategy With Site-Specific Blade Enhancement and Single Blade Design Concept." This presentation is a part of his PhD study, focusing on pioneering approaches to enhance wind turbine performance.This presentation will also highlightes Trondheim Engineering’s commitment to innovation and leadership in renewable energy technologies. This is a fantastic opportunity to see how Trondheim Engineering is making an impact on the global stage and contributing to the advancement of renewable energy technologies. Don’t miss out on gaining valuable insights into the future of wind energy conversion and supporting Hailay’s significant contribution to our industry’s future. We look forward to connecting with other leaders and innovators in Anaheim! #wind #energy #trondheim #engineering

Trondheim Engineering AS


Trondheim Engineering vokser, og vi ønsker flere om bord hos oss. Vi kan tilby spennende oppgaver til den rette kandidaten med mulighet for å arbeide hos kunde, hos oss og delvis fra hjemmekontor. Vi søker etter kandidater innen: prosjektledelse, teknisk ledelse, prosess, mekanisk, materialteknologi, automasjon, elektro, instrument, LCI. Send meg gjerne en melding for en uforpliktende prat eller ta kontakt på 90212693.

Trondheim Engineering AS
